Does your dog have a sensitive stomach?
Does your dog have a sensitive stomach?
Dogs are known to have a gluttonous reputation and that is why most dogs eat everything that comes their way. They have the ability to consume large proportion of food in one sitting owing to an incredibly elastic stomach. While many dogs eat anything and everything and still show no signs of discomfort, there are many that have very sensitive stomach and cannot digest a variety of food items. They may exhibit one or more symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and flatulence. If your dog has a sensitive stomach and exhibits these symptoms quite frequently, you need to get alert about the food and exercise schedule that you make him follow. Let us understand it better and clearer.
What is a sensitive stomach
If your dog has a sensitive stomach, the occurrence of flatulence or diarrhoea will be very frequent in them. Just like in humans, a modest digestive disturbance does not matter much, but a repeated occurrence is not a good sign. Some dogs lose interest in food because they remember the discomfort they face post meals. They start eating less which again poses threat to their health. Some dogs have sensitive stomach from birth while others develop it later due to faulty lifestyle.
Causes of sensitive stomach
If you have noticed that your puppy has had trouble digesting food since the beginning, has gas and irregular faeces, then it could be a hereditary thing. Others might develop this over the years due to their food and exercise habits. It is possible that table scraps, leftovers or any treats that you are giving them does not suit their gastrointestinal system. Check to see whether your dog is slipping into the trash, garbage bin or waste thrown on roads which is making them sick. Identifying the problem makes it much easier to treat effectively. Notice any food or dairy allergies which trigger the symptoms of sensitive stomach and avoid those foods to see if it gets better. If you take him out for exercise just before or after meals, this could also interrupt with the smooth functioning of the digestive system. You are the parent and your alertness and precaution matters most.
Signs and symptoms
The most common symptoms are intermittent loose stools or diarrhoea. Similar to humans, dogs too pass gas or have loose stools; but it becomes a matter of concern if the symptoms are long lasting and it is accompanied by weight loss. Other common signs of sensitive stomach include giving up on eating food, licking their lips, swallowing a lot and vomiting. Your dog’s stool may include blood too in some extreme cases. A dog whose stomach is inflamed may become lethargic and less lively and refuse to participate in any activity or even going out for a walk. Excessive stomach growling and fever may also happen due to a sensitive stomach. Extended exposure to these symptoms may irritate their gastrointestinal tract and result in ulceration if not treated in time.
Treatment and precautions
Your vet may prescribe lab test findings to determine the treatment approach. The blood tests will reveal the severity of the disease and whether the inability to digest food is affecting the functions of any other internal organ. The first step is to change your dog’s diet to something more conducive to the digestive system. Your vet may provide a prescription diet with high quality components available. You may also be advised to rule out any ingredient your dog may be allergic to. Many dogs have trouble digesting fat. A diet rich in fibre such as one with beet pulp may suit your dog fine.
In case where tests show an ulcer in the GI system, your vet will give drugs to ease the ulcer and provide a protective coating to it. The medication will ensure that your dog’s gut health is back to normal and that it recuperates faster and better. Anti vomiting medicines, probiotics, and other medications deemed fit for the set of symptoms exhibited will be administered by your vet.
Your vet may also consider adding supplements to your dog’s diet to address any additional nutritional requirement. Your dog’s diet will be prescribed to keep his digestive system in good shape. CBD can also help treating digestive issues and is effective to decrease pain and inflammation in the intestine. It is also known to keep your dog calm and decrease their anxiety that may be causing them to have stress diarrhoea.
As a precautionary measure, there are various food items to be particularly avoided to ensure that the digestive system of your dog works well. Chocolates, salty food , fried and fatty meat, milk and dairy should be avoided at all costs as they contain ingredients which can make the dogs sick. Some dogs may have the inability to digest certain forms of protein and you can switch to a different protein diet to see if the problem goes away.
Waggfluence strives to make sure that all the products are quality checked for your pet’s well-being. Our mission is to make all pet parents aware of any probable illness and its symptoms in pets, so that you are alert to handle them in time. Join us to make your life easier and your pet’s life happier. We love wagging tails and happy smiles more than anything else in this world.